Collezione: Systema ALL-IN-ONE

LIFETIME Kidsrooms presents ALL-IN-ONE locker and storage.

A locker system where you can either buy a ready made locker or you have the option to design a system according to your needs.

The ALL-IN-ONE system from LIFETIME Kidsrooms allows you to create the setup you want for you and your child, regardless of storage space needs.

The cabinet you build can either stand against a wall or under our semi high, low loft or high beds. You'll create a bed with plenty of storage space underneath. This way, you create a whole lot of floor space for your child to play and learn.

37 prodotti
  • Base portaoggetti All-In-One con 3 cassetti
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE storage with 3 drawers
  • Base contenitore All-In-One con ante, ripiano e asta appendiabiti
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE storage with doors, shelf and clothes rail
  • Armadietto All-In-One - alto, con anta, ripiano e asta appendiabiti
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE tall storage with doors, shelf and clothes rail
  • Armadietto All-In-One - basso, con porta, ripiano e asta appendiabiti
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE storage with doors, shelf and clothes rail
  • ALL-IN-ONE storage with 1 shelf 40 cm
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms ALL-IN-ONE storage with 1 shelf 40 cm
  • Porta All-In-One per armadietto - bassa
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE - door for low unit 40 cm
  • ALL-IN-ONE storage with 1 shelf 80 cm
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms ALL-IN-ONE storage with 1 shelf 80 cm
  • ALL-IN-ONE - ante per mobile da 80 cm
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Wardrobe ALL-IN-ONE - doors for unit 80 cm
  • ALL IN ONE - piano alto per modulo 40 cm
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms ALL-IN-ONE - tall top for unit 40 cm
  • All-In-One - Extra Top - piccolo
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE - low top for unit 80 cm
  • All-In-One - Extra Top - grande
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE - tall top for unit 80 cm
  • All-In-One - Set di ante per Extra Top - grande
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE - doors for top unit 80 cm
  • Armadietto tutto in uno - alto
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE -  tall unit 40 cm
  • Porta All-In-One per armadietto - alta
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE - door for tall unit 40 cm
  • All-In-One - Base contenitore
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE - unit 80 cm
  • All-In-One - Set di 3 cassetti per base contenitore
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE - 3 drawers for unit 80 cm
  • Armadietto All-In-One - basso
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE - low unit 40 cm
  • All-In-One - Ripiano 40 cm
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE - shelf for storage unit 40 cm
  • All-In-One - Ripiano 80 cm
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE - shelf 80 cm
  • All-In-One - Appendiabiti per Armadietto 40 cm
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE - clothes rail for storage unit 40 cm
  • All-In-One - Appendiabiti per Base Contenitore 80 cm
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE - clothes rail for unit 80 cm
  • All-In-One - Piedistallo per armadietto
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE - pedestal for unit 40 cm
  • All-In-One - Piedistallo per Base Contenitore
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms All-in-one Storage ALL-IN-ONE - pedestal for unit 80 cm
  • Maniglia in pelle
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Handle Leather handle