Collection: Accessoires

The children's room is a place where children relax and recharge their batteries. Oftentimes children like to have more furniture than just a bed and a wardrobe. Therefore we have a selection of child-friendly furniture. You and your child can decorate the room exactly as you want it. You can for example divide the room into zones, where one zone should invite for play, another for storage and a third for creativity. Our children's furniture is made in a simple design with a focus on functionality. The most important thing is that there is free floor space for playing and having fun. 
119 produits
  • Coussin capitonné - Natural
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Accessory Tufted Cushion - Essence Natural
  • Tapis tufté - Essence Natural
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Rug Tufted rug - Essence Natural
  • Table à clipser
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Accessory Clip-on table for bed
  • Boîtes de rangement sur roulettes
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Storage Storage boxes on castors
  • Coussin touffeté - Peach
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Accessory Tufted Cushion - Essence Peach
  • Etagère d'angle
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Accessory Corner bed shelf
  • Étagère d'angle avec éclairage LED
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Accessory Corner shelf with LED light
  • Tapis tufté - Essence Peach
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Rug Tufted rug - Essence Peach
  • Boîte suspendue
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Accessory Storage box for the bed and wall
  • Coussin Touffeté - Blue Sage
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Accessory Tufted Cushion - Essence
  • Tapis tufté - Essence Blue Sage
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Rug Tufted rug - Essence Blue Sage
  • Coussin koala tufté
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Accessory Tufted koala cushion
  • Coussin girafe touffeté
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Accessory Tufted giraffe cushion
  • Livre Lampe avec USB
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Lamp Book Lamp with USB
  • Coussin en forme d'ours - Aventure en canot
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Cushion Bear Shaped Cushion - Canoe Adventure
  • Cintre de poche mural - Aventure en canoë
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Accessory Wall Pocket Hanger - Canoe Adventure
  • Guirlande - Ocean Life
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Accessory Garland - Ocean Life
  • Coussin en forme de coquillage - Ocean Life
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Cushion Shell Shaped Cushion - Ocean Life
  • Coussin Carré - Vie Océanique
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Cushion Square Cushion - Ocean Life
  • Lampe de table
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Lamp Table lamp
  • Cintre de poche - Ocean Life
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Bed accessory Pocket Hanger - Ocean Life
  • Blue Rug Canoe Adventure - Tufté
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Rug Blue tufted rug - Canoe Adventure
  • Pouf Tortue - Ocean Life
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Pouf Turtle Pouf - Ocean Life
  • Panier - Canoë Aventure
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Accessory Basket - Canoe Adventure