Kategorie: Bettfronten & Sicherheit

At LIFETIME, we have a large selection of beautiful rails and front covers for our beds. A bed rail or bed front is a good safety measure, and we therefore always recommend that you install a bed rail on the bed, especially if the bed is used as a junior bed. The bed rail is mounted on the edge of the bed so that the child does not fall out of the bed at night or when playing in the bed during the day. Our selection of bed rails naturally fits all ours beds, and they are available in various designs. You can choose an ordinary white model or go for a more decorated version with beautiful, child-friendly motifs.

As parents, you sleep better knowing that everything is as it should be in the children's room. Safety plays an important role when choosing the right children's furniture. When we choose furniture for the children every safety measure has to be in order. When you choose beds and other equipment from LIFETIME, you can be sure that our furniture has been tested according to applicable safety measures. 

Take a look at our safety equipment for beds right here. We offer a wide range of products that make the bed a safe place to sleep in for children all over the world. Among our selection you can find extra wooden handles, extra bed rails and other safety equipment for beds, among other things, our popular cabin beds.

22 Produkte
  • Small bed rail with bars
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Bed Front White Small bed rail with bars
  • Kurze Absturzsicherung
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Bed Front White Small bed rail
  • Lange Absturzsicherung
  • Lange Bettfront mit weißen Metallsprossen
  • Bettfront mit weißen Metallsprossen
  • Standard Bettfront
  • Rahmen für Standard Bettfront
  • Bettfront mit Kreidetafeldruck
  • Frontbezug Cactus
  • Frontbezu Funland
  • Frontbezug Dino
  • Sicherheitserhöhung mit Front- und Seitenöffnung für Familienbett
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Bed accessory White Safety Guard with front and side opening for Family Bed
  • Sicherheitserhöhung mit vorderer und seitlicher Öffnung für schräge Leiter
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Bed accessory White Safety Guard with front and side opening for slanted ladder
  • Sicherheitserhöhung mit vorderer und seitlicher Öffnung für gerade Leiter
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Bed accessory White Safety Guard with front and side opening for straight ladder
  • Sicherheitserhöhung mit seitlicher Öffnung
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Bed accessory White Safety Guard with side opening
  • Sicherheitserhöhung mit vorderer Öffnung für Familienbett
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Bed accessory White Safety Guard with front opening for Family Bed
  • Sicherheitserhöhung mit vorderer Öffnung für schräge Leiter
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Bed accessory White Safety Guard with front opening for slanted ladder
  • Sicherheitserhöhung mit Frontöffnung für gerade Leiter
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Bed accessory White Safety Guard with front opening for straight ladder
  • Zusätzliche Holzgriffe für Leitern
  • Haltebügel für gerade und schräge Leitern
  • Alu-Schutzleisten für Leiterstufen
    LIFETIME Kidsrooms Bed accessory Protective strip for ladder steps
  • Sicherheitskonstruktion für das My Hangout Dach
    Lifetimekidsrooms store Greywash Safety construction for My Hangout roof