Kategorie: Beleuchtung

With the perfect lighting you can create a unique atmosphere in the children's room, and with our large selection of beautiful, cozy and practical children's lamps, it is not difficult to find a solution that fits into the children's room. A children's room should be decorated in a way that makes the room useful for many different activities: Children should be able to play, have fun, read a book and do their homework. It makes certain demands of the lamps you choose for your child's room. The lamps must be both practical and contribute to the aesthetics of the children's room. In our selection of children's lamps we have for example  light strings, which can be used to decorate the bed and create a cozy atmosphere in a play tent. Our practical table lamps fit the bedside table perfectly. Have a look at our selection and find a solution that fit perfectly in your child's room.
10 Produkte
  • Buchlampe mit USB
  • Holzlicht - dimmbar
  • Tischlampe
  • Klemmlampe
  • Eckablage mit LED-Licht / weiß
  • Eckablage mit LED-Licht / schwarz
  • Lichterkette mit Baumwollkugeln "Royal"
  • Kleiderstange mit LED und Beschlägen
  • LED-Licht für Himmelbett
  • Transformator für LED-Licht für Himmelbett